Read, Write, Run, Roam

Posts tagged “commercials

RHOB Reviews: Mojito Ice Cream

Do you like mojitos? Do you wish you could have mojitos all day long, but not in a way that interferes with your job/child/need to operate heavy machinery? I totally understand. Let me ask you one more question: do you also like ice cream? Yes? Then move to Belgrade, and enjoy Top Gun Mojito ice cream. For reals.

Sometime in the spring, I started seeing ads featuring a weird guy in a green suit, half-naked women, and a fake beach. I thought it was a beer commercial for the first 10 seconds, but it turned out to be a mojito ice cream cone commercial.

There are about 10 versions of this ad. I picked the least annoying one. You’re welcome.

Top gun seems like an odd name for ice cream. Mojito seems like an odd flavor. I was intrigued. So during yesterday’s sweltering heat, I bought a cone for “research.” Upon peeling the foil off, I noticed that there was an excellent ice cream-to-cone ratio.

The flavor is pretty good. It’s basically a mild mint ice cream with a vague aftertaste of alcohol. Ever notice that most non-alcoholic alcohol flavoring isn’t very good? I did. But as I continued to eat the cone the aftertaste went away, or I got used to it. I ate the malt-ball candy at the top of the come and thought, hey, this is pretty good.

As I worked my way to the cone, I found a delightful lime-like jam in the center. At least, I hope it was jam.

Finally, I ate the surprisingly crispy cone with chocolate coating on the inside. Genius.

I know Europeans love their ice cream, and I am starting to understand why. This was no ordinary rocket pop, chipwich, or even a King Cone. This was an overly complicated treat based on a cocktail. What’s not to love?

Of course, there’s no alcohol content to the cone. Troubling for tipplers, but good news for parents who don’t want their children getting drunk at the local corner store. (But mama, it was just ice cream!) Besides, I can tell you from personal experience that adding alcohol to ice cream-specifically, Slushees-makes them melt faster. But that’s a story for another time.

Consider me sold, Nestle. I’m looking forward to picking up a few more mojito cones this summer, but I hope I don’t run into the guy in the green suit. He gives me the creeps.